Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Incredible Inferences About Characters

An inference is an educated guess. When you gather clues from a story and combine it with what you already know, you can help yourself better understand the text. 

Good readers make inferences while they read. Inferences can be made to learn more about the character of the story.

Readers can make an inference from what the character is saying or the dialogue.

 Based on the dialogue we can infer that Pigeon is jealous of Duckling. In the first speech bubble there is an exclamation mark and question mark which means he is surprised and asking with a lot of emotion. In the second speech bubble we can infer that the Pigeon is a bit of a sore looser. Rather than being happy for Duckling he is complaining.

Sometimes you can discover more about the character by looking at the pictures of the story. 

 From this picture we can infer that Elephant and Pig really enjoy reading. We see that Elephant and Pig are smiling and interested in their book. We can infer that Pigeon does not like his book or does not like to read. He is not smiling! He isn't even looking inside of his book. 
Good readers can even infer the story's setting or where the character is!

"Pigeon stood in the puddle of mud. There was a strong smell in the air. The flies swarmed around him. He heard the oinks in the distance." 

Can you guess or infer where pigeon is these clues?
-puddle of mud
- flies swarming
- oink sounds
I know that pigs oink, and love mud. I also know that flies swarm around things that smell. I could infer that Pigeon is in a pig pen or at a farm. 

Look at this picture and read the caption below!
"Thank goodness I found my newspaper! It was hidden in the huge pile of leaves!" - Brutus
What are some things you can infer about the character from the picture?  What are some clues that tell you more about the character?

Please be sure to explain your inference like an equation! 
 clues + what you already know = your inference! 

Check out the example for help!


  1. Dear Mrs. Broussard,
    I can infer that Brutus wants to look at the newspaper. I can also infer that Brutus likes to read the newspaper in the morning with his mom and dad. Maybe he is going to teach Tank how to read?
    What I already know + the clues = Brutus is going to teach Tank how to read!
    Do you think will be able to read after Brutus teaches him?

  2. Dear Room 9,
    I can make many inferences about Brutus by using the clues in this picture. Here are some things I can see.
    Brutus is wearing a sweater vest + I know people wear vests when it is cold = It must be cold outside.
    Another inference I can make is that
    Brutus says he is happy he found his newspaper + people who like newspapers like to read them = Brutus loves to read!

    Room 9, do you like to read best, magazines, newspapers, or books? What other forms of reading do you do?


  3. Dear Mrs. Broussard and Room 9,
    In the picture there is a little piece of a red car, on the side of the street. So… A car parked on the side of the street + I know that cars are made of metal and metal gets cold when it is left outside on a cold night = the car is cold! I cannot wait for winter to come! What is your favorite season?

  4. Dear Mrs. B and class,

    What I can infer about Brutus is that since he is wearing a sweater, it might be cold outside.
    Brutus is wearing a sweater + when its cold people wear sweaters = It is cold outside!
    I can also infer that he may like to sit next his owner while they read the newspaper, because he went to look for it.
    Brutus has a newspaper + people like to read newspapers = Brutus likes to read the newspaper with his owner.
    Finally, I can infer that he may like playing in the leaves, since he was willing to jump in to find the newspaper.
    Brutus says he jumped into the leaves + I know people enjoy playing in leaves = Brutus looked for the newspaper in the pile of leaves because he likes to play in the leaves.

    I wonder if he likes to have Tank next to him when Mrs. B is reading the newspaper?

  5. Dear Mrs. Broussard and Room 9,

    I can infer that it is cold outside when Brutus found his newspaper. He is happy he found his newspaper and ready to go relax because he has a comfortable sweater on.

    Brutus says "Thank goodness I found my newspaper!" + I know when people say "thank goodness" it means they are happy. = My inference is that Brutus is happy !!!!!

    What do you like to do to relax?

    Sophia S.

  6. Dear Mrs.Broussard,
    The leaves on the ground are orange, red, and yellow. + I know that in fall, leaves change colors. = It is fall.


  7. Dear Mrs. B,

    I see that Brutus is wearing a sweat shirt so I can say that...

    Brutus is wearing a sweater + I know when it is cold if you wear a sweater it warms you up. = My inference is it is fall because when fall comes it is cold.

    whats your favorite season?


  8. Dear room 9,
    Brutus is wearing a sweater. + I know when you are cold you wear a sweater.= I can infer that it was cold outside.
    Do you have a favorite sweater?

  9. Dear Braeden,
    Can you figure out the subject and predicate in this sentence? And the adjective too?
    My brother and I went to the fall festival and had a grand time.

