Monday, March 30, 2015

Perfect Polygons

Perfect Polygons

Geometry is a fascinating area in math. Many people wonder how learning about shapes and lines help us be better mathematicians. 

Maybe after today's lesson you may have an answer. 

Today we talked about polygons. 

We compared and contrasted the features of polygons and non polygons and created educreation videos to help us classify shapes around the room. Watch some below. 



We also created videos to help us understand what shapes are NOT polygons.  




Write three to four sentences answering the following:

How do you think learning about shapes helps you be better at math? Why do you think learning about geometry is important? How do you use it in your life? 

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Dependent Clause

The Laws of a Clause 

Since we are such excellent writers, we have been practicing creating compound sentences. Usually compound sentences have two parts, an independent and dependent clause. 

Independent clause : has a subject and verb and can be a complete sentence. It can stand alone, or is independent.

Dependent clause : Is not a complete thought and depends on the independent clause to "earn" or be part of a complete sentence. 

 You will have to follow certain laws when you use these clauses. Click on the link below the BrainpopJr. picture to watch Moby explain one of the important laws. 

Brainpopjr. Clauses

When writing a compound sentence, you will most likely use a conjunction. Here is a list of some great conjunctions.   

Please write a comment using a compound sentence. Ask a friend to identify the independent clause, dependent clause and the conjunction. As a challenge try starting your sentence with a dependent clause.

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Compound Sentences

Simple to Complex with Badger Claws

Writer's use many different techniques to improve their writing. We have been working hard at two different strategies. One thing writer's do is use extensive vocabulary. Using high or strong vocabulary words add detail and can draw your reader's into your writing. 

Today, we brainstormed a few words to describe how Badger Claws must have been feeling and some character traits. Here is an example.

 Badger claws was feeling melancholic. He missed his dad. 

This sentence is a great example of using vocabulary. However, it is also an example of a simple sentence.

What is a simple sentence you ask? 

Badger Claws was feeling melancholic.

Badger Claws is the subject and was feeling melancholic is the predicate.

Another way a writer can improve their writing is by changing simple sentences into complex sentences. These sentences elaborate on ideas by answering where? why? what? when? or how?

Here is an example.

Badger Claws felt melancholic when the memory of his father came to him

Not only am I combining two shorter sentences, but I am elaborating by adding why and when he felt melancholic.

Writers can also enhance their writing by making simple sentences into complex sentences by adding a conjunction.

Badger claws was feeling melancholic when the memory of his father came to him.

Badger claws was feeling melancholic is the independent clause. That simply means it is a complete sentence. 

 Badger claws was feeling melancholic when the memory of his father came to him.

when the memory of his father came to him is not a complete sentence. It is considered a dependent clause because it "depends" on the independent clause to be a complete sentence.

What conjunction did I use in the sentence? 

 Badger claws was feeling melancholic when the memory of his father came to him.

Some other conjunctions writers use are:
because, since, if, so, although, and, but, when, unless, even though,  and after.

Find two simple sentences in chapter 1-4 of Badger Claws. Copy them into your comment. Then, enhance the sentences by adding vocabulary or making a complex sentence. Be sure to use a conjunction. Look at the examples for help.