Thursday, December 11, 2014

Multiplication Application

Why is it so important to learn our multiplication facts? 
I bet you don't realize how frequently you use multiplication to solve day to day problems.

For example, Raana was preparing for her birthday and needed to buy goodies for her party. She invited 26 friends to join in her celebration. When she went to Target she found the most precious notepads she was certain her friends would treasure. They came in packs of 6. How many packs does Raana need to purchase to have enough for all of her friends? 

Multiplication is a skill you will be grateful to have perfected! 

Can you create some word problems that require multiplication for a friend to solve? 
Your word problem must include at least 3 sentences. Practice you writing and vocabulary skills by writing strong sentences! 



  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Dear Room 9,
    The answer to the question is 5. The answer is 5 because 6 x 5 = 30 so, that would be enough for 26 friends. Am I correct?


  3. Dear Teddy,

    Can you solve this multiplication problem? My daddy drives to work 20 miles each day and he makes 2 trips a day. How many miles per day does he drive? He goes to work 5 days a week. How many miles does he drive in a week?

    Sophia N.

  4. Dear Sophia N.

    My sister Blythe and I were counting our Box Tops to turn in to school. Blythe had 3 rows of 5 and I had 3 rows of 4. Which one of us has more Boxtops?


  5. Dear room 9,
    I think multiplication is important because it helps you with a lot of things like sorting money, helping you learn, and sometimes it can be fun. Here is my multiplication problem. There were 9 magic 8 balls and each cost $12. How much did it cost in all?

    1. Dear Jacob,
      I concur with your opinion of multiplication. In order to solve your multiplication problem I would need to multiply 9 by 12. However, I haven't memorized my 12 table but I definitely know my 10's. Can you explain how I can solve this problem by using what I already know?

  6. Dear Mrs. Broussard and class,

    Here is my first word problem.

    Judah had a hectic soccer schedule. He had grueling soccer practices on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday that lasted three hours. After soccer practice, he rewarded himself by ordering an irresistible scoop of mint chip ice cream with whipped cream, chocolate sprinkles, and a cherry on top at Baskin Robins. How many hours of soccer practices for this week did Judah have in all? What is the irrelevant information?

    Here is my second word problem.

    Mr. Broussard generously offered to make coffee or tea for Mrs. Broussard every weekday. On Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, Mr. Broussard spent 10 minutes making Cappuccino for Mrs. Broussard. On Tuesday and Thursday, he spent 5 minutes making Chamomile Tea for Mrs. Broussard. How many minutes did he spend making tea and coffee in all?

    Good luck!

    Your challenging friend,

  7. Dear Evan and other sport enthusiasts,
    I know you are an avid baseball player, so I hope you can solve this word problem. There were five boys and six girls at the batting cages practicing relentlessly for their upcoming game. The boys batted first and each fervently hit 4 base balls out of the park. The girls batted next. Little did the boys know, the girls had been coming to the batting cages each night that week and had enhanced their skills greatly. They each hit 7 baseballs out of the park. How many balls were hit out of the park in all?

    Mrs. B
