Tuesday, November 4, 2014


Nouns Galore

We have been learning all about identifying singular and plural nouns. What does singular and plural mean? You may hear a familiar word in the word singular. I hear single.
singular = one 
plural = more than one
Usually we simply add a s to the end of a word to make it plural. However, some nouns are exceptions, or words that don't follow this rule. 
Here is an example of a sentence using a plural noun. 
Jacob had 3 boxes of delicious golden apples to share with his class. 

What noun follows the simple rule of adding a s
What plural noun is an exception to the rule? 
The plural noun is boxes

Since the word box ends in with a x to make it plural you must add es.

There are also nouns that change completely to new words when made plural. These are called irregular nouns. That is because they are certainly not regular. 

Watch this BrainPop video and see if you can identify the plural nouns. Click on the link below the picture. 

username: chaparrales password: brainpop

Write three to four sentences to a friend using at least 5 plural nouns. Challenge yourself to use plural nouns with ch, sh or x or even using irregular nouns. Remember the rules! 


  1. Dear Friends,
    Here are some plural sentences:
    1. My mom gave me some of her old watches.
    2. Our garage is filled with a bunch of boxes.
    3. One of my favorite meals is a cheeseburger with fries.
    Have a good evening!
    Your pal,

  2. Dear Zoe,

    I would like to ask you some questions to learn more about you.
    Do you have any brothers or sisters? I have one brother and one sister.
    Do you want foxes or dogs for your pets, or do you have one of them as a pet already?
    Do you have any electronic devices like Ipads, computers, or phones? I love my Ipad.
    Would you like to go to Disneyland with your family and friends? That's one of my wishes for summer.

    What do you think is the most common plural noun?

    From your plural noun genius,

    1. Dear Ben,
      Thank you for asking me questions. My responses to your blog post will use a lot of details. I have one sister but no brothers. I have a dog as a pet already. I have one iPod touch. My family shares two computers and one iPad. My iPod has a camera that flashes and has pictures of many beaches. As you can see, I like using my iPod when I can. I would like to go to Disneyland with my family and friends. Disneyland would require packing clothes and utilities in boxes. At Disneyland I would see many mice including Mickey Mouse and Minnie Mouse. I think the most common plural noun is dogs because many people own dogs. What is the main idea of my post?

      From one of your plural noun friends,


    2. Dear room 9
      Here are some plural sentences, you have to find the plural words. Lets start!
      1 Many families and friends went to the fall festival.
      2 My mom and I bought artificial flowers (tricky one).
      3 In Mexico people use masks call Calacas, they dance and honor their relatives(hard one).
      4 How many bones do we have in our body?
      5 I got 206 candies on Halloween for trick or treating.

      Can you find the plural words? Good luck.
      Your friend

    3. Dear Abril,
      Here are some plural nouns I see:
      1 Families and friends
      2 Artificial flowers
      3 People, masks and relatives
      4 Bones
      5 Candies

      Are there any I am missing?
      Your classmate,
      Sophia S.

  3. Dear Oliver,
    This weekend I am going to Colorado to see my grandparents. Maybe I will see lots of deer in the mountains. I am going to shop in lots of stores . I have to put toothbrushes and clothes in my suitcases.

  4. Dear Zoe

    I think the main idea of your post was to share some facts about yourself and your family. I also liked learning about your electronic devices. When you do visit Disneyland, I would like you to see mouses and ducks.

    I have another question for you -- what is your favorite plural noun?

    from one of your plural noun buddies,

  5. Dear Room 9,
    Try to find as many Singular and Plural nouns as much as you can.
    1. There are lots of children that go to Chaparral Elementary School.
    2. Can I pick out all the fruits and vegetables from the garden?
    3. That woman bought a lot of dresses from those stores.
    4. He drew plenty of flowers in a flower pot.
    5. There are plenty of displays in the museum.
    Do you think you guys can answer this question?

    Good luck,
