Monday, November 9, 2015

Many Magnificient Multiplication Strategies

Many Magnificent Multiplication Strategies

Over the last few weeks we have been working on multiplication. We have been learning many different strategies to help us solve multiplication problems. 

We started with repeated addition. If Sophia has 3 packs of popsicle. Each pack has 4 popsicles in it. Sophia could either use addition or multiplication to find how many she has in all.

Another strategy is creating equal groups and counting the total number. So, Sophia could draw 3 packs with  4 popsicles in each. 

We practiced making equal groups with items in our classroom. Can you identify the multiplication sentence for these groups?

We also learned how create helpful arrays. An array is a great visual way to organize numbers into neat rows and columns. 

In honor of Halloween we used slimy pumpkin seeds to make arrays. Check out the addition sentences and multiplication sentences!

  I bet you don't realize how frequently you use multiplication to solve day to day problems.

For example, Angelisse was preparing for her birthday and needed to buy goodies for her party. She invited 26 friends to join in her celebration. When she went to Target she found the most precious notepads she was certain her friends would treasure. They came in packs of 6. How many packs does Angelisse need to purchase to have enough for all of her friends? 

Multiplication is a skill you will be grateful to have perfected!

Can you create some word problems that require multiplication for a friend to solve? 

For an extra challenge, create a two step problem for your friends to solve. 

Your word problem must include at least 3 sentences. Practice your writing and vocabulary skills by writing strong sentences! 


  1. Mathew went to the store to buy hockey cards. He needed to buy 50 hockey cards to complete his collection. He found the most amazing packs of cards but each pack only had 5 cards. How many packs will Mathew have to buy to complete his collection?

    1. Dear Lucas,

      I would have to buy 10 packs of hockey cards to complete my collection.

      Matthew M.

  2. Dear Room 9,

    There are ten players on the basketball team The Firey Balls. In a few days they are going to be playing against their rivals, The Noisome Underpants. The goal of The Firey Balls is to score 100 points to ensure their victory against The Noisome Underpants. If each of the members of The Firey Balls had to score the same amount of points, how many points would each teammate have to score?

    1. Dear Matthew V,
      Each team mate would have to score 10 points for Firey Balls to score 100 points.

  3. Dear Room 9,
    Sophia needed to go to the store to by five packs of markers for her art project.Each pack has 30 markers in it.How many markers does she have?

    1. Dear Alexa,
      I would have 150 markers in all.

      Sophia :)

  4. During a basketball game the players scored 40 points. If there are 4 quarters in the game how many points did the players score in each quarter?

  5. Dear Room 9,

    My sister had a party this weekend. She had 31 friends come to her party. We went to buy party favors and there were 6 favors in each pack. How many packs of party favors did we need to buy? How many were left over?

    Matthew M.

  6. Dear Room 9,

    Kaylee wanted to buy 51 pieces of candy. She found a pack of 5 Jolly Ranchers, 2 Snickers and 10 M&M’s. How much candy is in each pack, and how many packs would she need to buy?


  7. Dear Room 9,
    Cameron buys 5 packs of muffins for her party. Each pack of muffins has 8 in each pack. How many muffins did Cameron buy?

  8. Dear Room 9,

    Isabella went to Petco to buy her dog some treats. She bought 2 boxes of treats. Each box had 25 dog treats. How many treats does she have in all?
    Kate H.

    1. Dear Kate,

      If Isabella bought 2 boxes of 25 dog treats, she would have 50 dog treats.I hope you reply on my blog!


  9. Dear Room 9,

    The animal shelter has 5 cages. Each cage can hold 2 cats. How many cats does the animal shelter have room for?

