Monday, September 28, 2015


Over the last few weeks we have been exploring the world of folktales. This week we began reading various fables. Fables are a type of folktale that have the following elements. 

1. The characters in these short stories are usually animals. 

 The Tortoise and The Hare 

2. The animals will often have human characteristics, which is called personification

For example, The Fox and The Stork tell a story of a fox and a stork having dinner together and eating out of a plate.

3. Most importantly, fables have morals or lessons to be learned. 

We have been reading many fables that are claimed to have been told many years ago by a man named Aesop. 

Click here to watch a few Aesop's fables videos.

For this week's post, please comment on:

What is your favorite Aesop fable?  

What is the moral you learned? 

What fable gives you the best lesson for your life? 

------------------------------------- OR --------------------------------------

Who is Aesop? 

Use World Book Online Kids to read some interesting facts about Aesop and Ancient Greece. (login information can be found on the home page of my website)

Share what you learned with us! Remember you must write what you learned in your own words!

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Cause and Effect


This week's comprehension skill is "Cause and Effect".

While reading it's good practice to ask yourself "why did this happen?" or "what is going to happen?"

Identifying the cause and effect can help you better understand the text or story!
Often sentences will have signal words that can help you identify the cause and effect.
Some words include:
as a result
Watch this BrainpopJr. for more on cause and effect!  


search: Cause and Effect 
username and password are on my website

Can you write a sentence and ask a friend to identify the cause and the effect. Remember our strategy! Break the sentence apart. 
When Hunter sneakily stole her tasty popcorn Mrs. Broussard began to cry . 

Ask yourself "What makes most sense?"

Hunter stole her popcorn BECAUSE Mrs. Broussard began to cry. 

Mrs. Broussard began to cry BECAUSE Hunter stole her popcorn.

Whichever part of the sentence follows the "because" can be identified as the cause! 
Whichever part precedes, or comes before the "because" is the effect!

Can you write a cause and effect comment? 
Identify which part of the sentence is the cause and which is the effect. 
Write another sentence and ask a friend to find the cause and effect. 
Challenge yourself by writing a sentence that does not use because as a signal word! 

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Sensational Sentences 
In class we have been learning about the four different sentences and the punctuation marks that are used for each type.

 We used strong vocabulary to name our sentences. Today in class we made an educreations together to demonstrate our learning. Check it out.

We also talked about how great comments usually end with an interrogative sentence. This gives other bloggers an opportunity to respond back to you! 

Can you write a comment about your favorite type of sentence?  

Tell me why it's your favorite type of sentence. Provide an example. Be sure to use strong vocabulary when naming your sentence. Also use the correct punctuation marks!!! Try ending your comment with an interrogative sentence so someone can respond to you!

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Delightful Dictionaries

What is the purpose of a dictionary? 


Both writers and readers use dictionaries as a wonderful resource. 

When readers come across a word they don't understand they can use a dictionary to: 

*find the definition or meaning of a word

*find examples of how to use the word

Writers can use the dictionary to help them:

*spell a word correctly

*use the correct part of speech or word form

*Find useful examples that can help them use the word in their own sentences! 

Dictionaries also have plenty of other interesting information! Look at the picture below. Some dictionaries include an interesting fact about each letter on the first page of its entries. 

Dictionaries also include diagrams, or labeled illustrations !

Illustrations are always labeled and sometimes even give history on where the word came from! 

For example, did you know that the word "aardvark" 

comes from Africa and means "earth - pig"? 

Aren't dictionaries intriguing! 

(ooh that's a high vocab word! Look it up in a dictionary to find out what it means!)

Now that we all agree on how fabulous dictionaries are, we need to learn how to use them! 

There are many parts to finding a word in the dictionary. Use ABC order and the guide words. 

Guide words tell you what the first and last word on the page is. So you need to use your brain to figure out if your word falls in between the guide words. 

 The guide words here are foghorn and food chain. Is the word fork on this page? 

Here are some Educreations made by some students on our didactic dictionaries. 


What are some new and intriguing words you can find in the dictionary? In your comment, tell us what word is, its most common part of speech (noun, verb, adjective) and its definition!