Thursday, October 30, 2014


Red Ribbon Week

Red Ribbon week is all about making healthy choices to maintain a wholesome life! Being healthy is an important part of life. Without our health it would be impossible to do the many eventful things we adore including interacting with friends, playing sports or even learning!
We created Haiku Decks to share our ideas on how to make healthy choices.

Red Ribbon - Created with Haiku Deck, presentation software that inspires
Copy of Red Ribbon - Created with Haiku Deck, presentation software that inspires
Red Ribbon Week - Created with Haiku Deck, presentation software that inspires

In class we also discussed how making healthy choices is not just about having a healthy body or our physical health. 

We believe it is just as important to make healthy choices for your mind and heart. For example, having a positive attitude is a great way to influence your mood and emotions. Also it is important to share your feelings with friends and family and not keep things bottled up inside. 

Taking care of your mental health and emotional health is part of having a positive impact on your overall health. 

What are some ways you take care of your health? Can you think of some examples on how to take care of your health? Remember to focus on the things we should do not the things we shouldn't do. Tell us how it keeps you healthy physically, emotionally, or mentally. What are some things you plan on doing this year to make sure you stay healthy?  


  1. Dear Mrs.B,
    Here are some ways to take care of my health.1.I should eat healthy food. 2.I should stay positive.3. Last but not least I should always get lots of rest.

    P.S. Number 1 is physical. Number 2 is emotional. Number 3 is mental.


  2. Dear Zoe,
    The things that make your body healthy is always exercising, eating right, getting enough sleep, and sharing your feelings. I like doing all of those things because I know that is what makes my body healthy. What do you do that makes your body healthy?


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  4. Dear room 9,
    One way to stay healthy is to be very active like playing soccer. Also one can practice karate. Karate keeps you physically healthy by moving your body. These is one of many ways to stay healthy. I am going to do karate and biking.

  5. Dear Room 9,
    One important part of staying healthy is not to forgot to brush our teeth!
    Especially your grown up teeth!
    I brush my teeth always twice a day!

  6. Dear Mrs. Broussard,

    We can take of our bodies by expressing your emotions. It makes you feel better by washing away bad feelings. I keep my brain and body healthy by balancing on my bozu ball. By keeping it from wobbling and tipping over, I am connecting my brain energy to my body and this helps me stay focused.

    Do you have a bozu ball and how do you keep your body healthy?

    Sophia N

  7. Dear Tyler,
    Some ways I can take care of my health is by drinking multiple bottles of water a day and eating nutritious fruits and organic vegetables. Another way to stay healthy is getting exercise. I play ice hockey twice a week. Skating up and down the ice rink is a great work out for my physical health. You also should express your emotions and stay positive.


  8. Dear Room 9 and all,
    Did you know how important it is to drink water? Well, it is pretty important. They say you can stay alive for one whole week without food. However, you can only survive for 3 days without water. So, keep drinking water. That is emotional and mental health. Oh and yes, to stay healthy I am going to drink an extensive amount of water and eat plenty of juicy fruit. So Room Nine keep on drinking water because I am watching you!

    Water Water Water,

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    2. Dear Aanshi and other Third Grade friends,
      I would agree that water is crucial to your body's well being. Did you know that more than half your body weight is water? Can you find a strong vocabulary word for someone who doesn't have enough water in their body? What is the base word? What are some other word forms?

      Mrs. B

  9. Dear Room 9,
    I think some important ways of keeping your body healthy are:
    1. Exercising. When you exercise you are helping your heart grow strong. Exercising keeps you healthy physically.
    2. Express. When you express your feelings you get it out of you and it really feels relaxing to get bad times out of your heart, or telling a friend about exciting stories can help calm you down. Expressing is emotional health.
    3. Learn. When you learn you give your brain something to keep it busy. Without learning, our world would be super boring because we would have nothing to do! Learning is mental health.
    This year I plan to drink lots of water, ( Thank you Aanshi) to keep me hydrated when I exercise. Do you plan to do something that keeps you mentally health this year?
    Remember EEL ( Exercising, Express, Learn),
